Category: Web – Technical

If it touches a nerve, makes us smile, or triggers an idea, we’re putting it in here.

Top 9

9 Top Things to Consider When Commissioning a Website Design & Build Project in 2024

Thinking about commissioning a new website? We list the TOP 9 things you should consider for any new website project in 2024 right now.
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Website GDPR compliance

Ensure YOUR website and email marketing is GDPR compliant

It’s a legal requirement that your website and email marketing is GDPR compliant. Want to ensure YOUR website and email marketing is GDPR compliant? Find ...
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man holding SSL certificate logo

Let’s get an SSL Certificate for your website – act now to make it secure!

From January 2017, new layers of security known as HTTPS and SSL/TLS were introduced by Google Chrome which means browsers will see a security warning ...
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Design Trends for 2016

As we're just touching into the New Year it's the perfect time to start thinking about the year ahead and how new trends and practices ...
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Why Video Content Marketing is going to be HUGE in 2016!

Look no further. It'll be video content. No question. We're now all streaming video to our computers, tablet, phone etc and most people (your customers) ...
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GAI Event Branding

Earlier this year one of our longest standing Clients, GAI (the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers), asked us to us to re-brand their 2015 AGM event.
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My 600 mile Fastnet Yacht Race adventure!

Starting on Sunday 16th August me and my Dad are competing in the RORC Fastnet yacht race - one of the world's toughest offshore races ...
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Smartphones have overtaken laptops!

Smartphones have overtaken laptops as the most popular device for getting online in the UK. But what does it mean for you?
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The UK Sepsis Trust charity photoshoot – a behind the scenes video

When I heard about a photoshoot in aid of UK Sepsis Trust, I knew straightaway that we had to help. I also wanted to try ...
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