Ensure YOUR website and email marketing is GDPR compliant


From 25th May 2018 it was a legal requirement that your website and any email marketing is GDPR compliant.

Want to ensure YOUR website and email marketing is GDPR compliant?

As a marketer or business owner, you know how important it is to have a website.

Not only does it give customers another way to interact with your business, but it also serves as an online portfolio and marketing tool. But what many people don't realise is that having a website comes with a certain level of responsibility - you need to make sure your website is legal!

One way to do this is by drafting up a website policy and Terms & Conditions. This can seem daunting, but thankfully there's an easy way to do it. In this blog post, we'll introduce you to our policy and T&Cs generator and show you how easy it is to use. So without further ado, let's get started!

The introduction of GDPR laws is having a massive impact on website design, which will have a ripple effect on how your website integrates with your other digital activity such as email marketing, social media, and e-commerce activities.

Don’t worry – here at Cloud 9, we’ve been working hard to make website and email marketing General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) compliance easy for our clients (because let’s face it, it’s a bit dull).


  1. Pick from the items you need below by following the links under the videos.
  2. Fill in your details.
  3. Download the documents and add them to your site (or get us to do it for you).


Want to ensure YOUR website and email marketing is GDPR compliant?

TermsFeed generators work for all major CMS including WordPress, Drupal, Magento, WooCommerce & Shopify.

Easily generate everything you need in under 5mins, or ask us to help make your website and email marketing legally compliant.


We can send out a GDPR ‘opt-in’ email to your email marketing database, remove all unsubscribers or those who don’t opt-in, and supply you with a freshly cleansed list that is GDPR compliant.

Want to stay on top?

Using our email marketing system ensures you not only stay on top of managing your lists, but integrates with the most popular CRM and CMS tools and provides a powerful tool for you to drive business. It’s low-cost and delivers results.
Interested? – Ask Mike for more details

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