Smartphones have overtaken laptops and desktops as the most popular device for getting online in the UK, according to Ofcom. Also, the amount of time UK adults spend online has also doubled in the past 10 years to more than 20 hours per week.
According to Ofcom
33% of us Brits now see our smartphone as the most important device & use it for an average of two hours a day to browse websites, use social media, bank & increasingly shop online.
How do the other devices stack up?
Laptops are the preferred device for 30% of Brits, with tablets on 19% (an increase of 4% since 2014) & desktop computers at 14% (which is down by 6%). This is a massive swing since 2014, at which time 22% turned to their smartphone first and a massive 40% used their laptop.
What does this mean for you?
Well, it’s simple to see that mobile device use is increasing and expectations are that this will continue. So if your website/online application/email marketing is not optimised for these devices, you could see a steady decrease in visitor numbers as potential customers may move to another company that provides a platform that is easier to navigate & use.
Want to know more?
Visit the BBC News website to watch a report on the subject.